Sunday 14 July 2013

Does God follow or even know the BODMAS rule??

Before I start, just to let the know readers (doubt if we any visitors till now) that the ‘Candid’ part in the name of the blog was my idea & 'fox' was Antony Dilip's idea(you should have realized by reading the first post of this blog).

Live in the moment, Just Live it!! It’s an easy quote to read but one of the hardest ones to follow in practical life. I am writing this piece because I realized I should pen down my thoughts as I have observed that I am making so much observations in daily life, and for me, observations should not stop there but lead to sharing. Being candid is one of the little betterment I have taken up myself recently & it’s real fun and hugely inches you closer to the talking point – “Live in the moment, just live it”. I may be discussing a difficult question in this post but all said it’s my opinion & each of us may have different opinions.

I am sure every one of us should have come across this term “BODMAS”, if you have not – sorry mate, ask your child (if you have) or little cousins, they should help you out. So, what about this BODMAS, is your question, right??? So, it’s this
Brackets first
Orders (ie Powers and Square Roots, etc.)
Division and Multiplication (left-to-right)
Addition and Subtraction (left-to-right)

One of the main reasons for me to start this blog along with Antony is to express our thoughts & observations. It was one of the regular temple visits I made with my family and there starts my observations. I believe that people come to temple for only letting their prayers to the God (although this might not hold true, we are in 2013). So, just for fun or a huge risk, let’s take the position of the protagonist here, that’s the GOD. So, here is a sample set you may receive,

Pass me in the exam + [(salary*2) – boss torture + success for love] + [{daughters marriage delayed? – husband’s torture}* get the highway contract to me only} + (revenue the whole square) – partner problem] + get me sick, tomorrow no school* lot of chocolates/teacher beating……

So, we are the GOD now – we have to solve it! World will become chaos if we don’t. Does he really uses the BODMAS rule here so that the salary gets doubled first & the boy gets chocolates at the last. No matter the rule states it’s left to right or right to left, solution matters. If I were god, I would give up & then walk away, take a sabbatical!! So what makes this GOD so special solving all these kind of core complex algebraic equations of prayers & to add to that it may come via a temple in Rameshwaram or a holy church in Vatican or a Mosque somewhere in South Sudan.

Hope all of us have heard about spiritual advice given to people that GOD is everywhere, you are GOD, I am GOD, and GOD is everywhere? And really doubt how serious we take that saying. It actually matters to see around you, observe & connect so that you can realize the GOD in you. I recently received a SMS forward, a lovely one indeed: “Do what you do for GOD, do to people who are in need, you will be seen as GOD by them”. Just think, what has GOD done after creating the world, he has created us to live in it. So, as I am the GOD, what I would do to solve the algebraic expression is that I would make everyone realize me in each of them so that problem gets solved easily within them. But, you may argue how do you realize it??? It so easy, just live in the moment, cherish it, leave the past, observe the world in you & connect them all to the daily happenings – either you get more questions or solutions to the questions you have already got. However , it’s up to you to share them with others – you are the GOD, you see, you take the final call, but it’s important to realize everything starts from you & you only. It’s the choice we make in our lives that defines you. A short analogy to close down on these free flowing of thoughts for the past one hour or so – Assumptions, Believes, & Choices are the ABCs of our lives.

Wooof, I did not expect all these stuff two hours back. It’s awesome, just living & loving it. After all, it’s a beautiful life, go live it!! Who cares of BODMAS now, just feed the equation to a scientific calculator or your desktop!!! And I have texted Antony, first post done, phew! Don’t worry I forced myself to write such a lengthier, future posts will be not cross 300 words, GOD Promise, oh I am the GOD right??? – that’s candidfox for u :):)

- N.S.Madanish Kanna


  1. "Either God can exist or freedom, both cannot exist together"

    - The Master of masters

  2. nice one :)

  3. Give up writing..

  4. give up writing

  5. Interesting thought.. but maybe God solves the problem and is busy framing the question.. compliance to BODMAS or any other rule may not interest him... chaos and freewill cannot be created through a straight line right? :P

  6. worstu piece i v read in recent times ..

  7. congrats.
    very nice.keep writing
